Apply for a position below!
Even if a position isn’t open on our positions page, pre apply for it!
Some positions may not be available, however they may be open for pre-applying. if you have the skills we need, we will put you on a list of contacts for when we do need someone for that position! just apply like you would normally.
The pay is pay by work. You will be given work to choose from and do, and depending on how difficult that work is, you are paid. The base pay for all work is a minimum of $10, and it can go up to $80 and more. (all in $CAD) You will be told how much a jobs pay is before you pick it, and it can be discussed.
The payment is split. You will be paid 20% at the start of your work, and 80% once its finished. You will be asked to show your work as you work on it from time to time, up until its completion.
Payment is IMMEDIATE. If you do not do your assigned work, or finish it, and you only take the starting pay, we will immediately pull it back from our bank and will mark it as fraudulent.
We only send money over PayPal currently, in the future a Wire Transfer option will be available.
You must be at least 16 years old to apply.
You must be available to get work done in a timely matter.
You must have a microphone for meetings.
You must know English.
You must have software yourself to do work.
You must have a PC able to perform the needed work.
You must have discord.
You must have at least 8+ months of experience prior to applying. can include personal projects.
All country’s can work for us – we are remote.
Please send your wanted position and resume/portfolio to
Send it to @togi_ on Discord.
Please provide some examples of your work. Feel free to use sites like Art Station or GitHub.
No cover letter is needed.
If we think your a good candidate, we will contact you back and schedule a short interview!
If you are pre-applying then no interview will be conducted. We will contact you back when needed, and conduct it then.
You can leave a position whenever you’d like, upon notice. Your name will be credited in the game even if you leave during its development.
See missing information? Or have a question?
Let us know in our discord server!